Educate educators


Erasmus+: Adult education staff mobility                                                                                                        2020-1-LV01-KA104-077164

Eng version: here

About project:

Raibais kaķis performs its regular activities in Balvu municipality in a local level the audience of adults learners which benefits from the organization's activities is wider at national level. RK focuses on providing an educational approach to tackling the most pressing challenges of the area, with a main view to enhancing the human capital and range of opportunities of the young Adults.  Organization whos takes a part in project Raibais kaķis (Latvia), MINE VAGANTI NGO (Italy), Academy of Experience Public Benefit Association (Hungary).

The aim of the project:

Project aims at providing the applicant organization with the staff and organizational capacities to deliver on this crucial purposes through innovative methodologies capable of enhancing its outreach to the target audience as well as the number and quality of its activities in a local and European perspective.

Project activities:

Fostering the development of the capacities and operational variety of its staff of experienced educators, with a focus on Non Formal Education also outdoor education.

Establishing regular, long-term partnerships for the exchange of knowledge and good practices as well as the presentation of joint initiatives, thus extending the scope and outreach of RK's initiatives.

Acquisition of competences of project design and management in the field of specific interest of the organization within the Erasmus Plus programme, related to the educational support to the educational integration and, thereby to the social inclusion and employability of young Adults suffering from educational difficulties.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Training course about Non Formal education

Sassari, Italy, 26.07-01.08.2021

Within the framework of the project, the volunteers of the NGO were given opportunities to improve their competencies in non-formal education directly in the field of adult education. During the training, we explored various topics related to non-formal education, the specificly non-formal education in relation to adult education, as well as developed non-formal education methods ourselves and it was possible to try them on adults who participated in another project.

The first trainings are already behind and the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes are applied in everyday work, as well as it is planned to create personal growth training for adults, but for it need to wait a while!

Job shadowing

Sassari, Italy, 01.-14.02.2022

Activities carried out:

  • Ice Breaking and Networking,
  • Visit in MVNGO Office, General Management Department,
  • Visit in MVNGO Office, Erasmus+ Department,
  • Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership for Adult education,
  • Generation of Ideas and Project Drafting,
  • Partnership, corporation,
  • Project proposals finalization and presentation,
  • Recap of the Job Shadowing, Collection of all learning outcomes,
  • Evaluation

Training course about Outdoor education

Sovata, Romania, 04.-13.07.2022

The Outward Bound Advanced Training for Trainers course - Level 1 is a 10 days long professional development program, designed for people who would like to deep-dive into the field of outdoor/adventure-based experiential education. The program combined the impactful methodology of experiential education through various theories, tools, and approaches from the field with the healing and stimulating effect of the nature surrounding us. 

The intention of the program was to enhance the knowledge of the participants, leading them through a professional journey where they have the chance to experience outdoor and experiential educational tools & methods as participants, observers and as facilitators.

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