EntrepRURAL socialy


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices            2019-3-LV02-KA205-002794

Eng version: here                                                                                                                                                Project home page: here                                                                                                                                    Project FB page: here

About project:

"EntrepRURAL socialy" is a strategic partnership in the youth field, which aims to promote social entrepreneurship (SE) combined with non-formal education (NFE) and practical learning as a tool to improve the social inclusion and employability of disadvantaged groups in rural areas Young population. The direct target population of the project is NEET young people (without education, training or labor market employment) aged 18 to 30 years old in all partner countries and Europe. Indirect target groups include young workers at different levels in partner countries and other countries (from local to Europe), non-governmental organizations and youth organizations involved in informal learning (youth centers, sports clubs and associations, informal youth groups). Organization whos takes a part in the project Raibais kaķis (Latvia), Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy), Asociatia Copiii in Sanul Familiei  (Romania), SUSHAL HUB SDRUZHENIE (Bulgaria).

The aim of the project:

Project aims at addressing this challenge through cooperation among countries affected by massive youth unemployment phenomena, with a concrete focus on extracting the educational potential of Personal development, Rural Needs' Analysis, Storytelling and ICT as NFE pathways to foster entrepreneurial empowerment and concrete transition from ideas to action in the field of Social Entrepreneurship among the youth, in combination with NFE.

Project activities:

Personal development, us a activity which empower young people and become more aware about their opportunities and resources.                                                                                                                    Rural Needs' Analysis, as an approach for the identification of the grassroots local community needs to be catered by means of Social Entrepreneurship action.

Storytelling, as an instrument of structuring business ideas, establishing a clear/cut identity of social enterprises and related initiatives/products as well as fostering internal cohesion through the establishment of a defined corporate identity.                                                                                                ICT, as a crucial area of expertise of a social entrepreneur profile and sector of direct entrepreneurial engagement.

                                                                                                                                                                       The project "EntrepRURAL socialy" was financed with the support of European Commission's "Erasmus+: Youth in Action" administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Programs for Youth. This publication reflects only the author's views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.  

The state of the art

1. Information and communication technology Eng version here                                                                  2. Personal development and rural needs' analysis Eng version here                                                          3. Storytelling Eng version here             


Participants 18- 30. years old 05- 11 of june Varna, Bulgaria, application by 12.05.2021 

Info pack: here                                                                                                                                                      Application form: here

Youth Blended mobility

Bulgaria, Varna 4.-11.june, 2021, Personal development and Rural Needs' Analysis Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania


- Getting to know each other; - Ice-breakers and Team building activities; - Improving self-awareness and self-knowledge; - Building or renewing identity/self-esteem; - Improving social relations or emotional intelligence; - My life goals and strategies or plans for reaching goals; - Critical thinking or sense of initiative; - Defining and executing personal development plans (PDPs); - Creativity and urban issues: practical session of devising innovative initiatives initiatives addressing pressing urban challenges; - Outlining our ideas: fist development of Social Enterpreneurhip Workplan; - Opening our diary: first development of "The Journey of Social Business " Blog.

Participiants testimonies

Second Transnational partner meeting 

Sassari, Italy 5.-6.july 2021

Our meeting program was:

- Evaluation first Blended mobility,
- Discussing about first blended mobility participants feedback
- Sharing good practices in the use of Storytelling as tools of entrepreneurial education of the youth (NEETs),
- Planing program for second blended mobility about storyteling,
- Planning the production of Toolkit on entrepreneurial education (personal development) of youth NEETs through Rural Needs' Analysis and Storytteling,
- Finalization of the Report on personal development and rural need analyses

Youth Blended mobility

Latvia, Semenova 5.-12.august, 2021, Storytteling and Social entrepreneurship, Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania

This time aim of our mobility focuses to another topic which is also important if you want to become Social entrepreneur and this is about Storytteling, if you are social entrepreneur never forget about story behind your enterpreneurial idea!

Mobility we start with getting to know each other, than we start explore storytteling and what can be better than getting to know about Heroe's journey. Than we come bach to ours social entrepreneurial ideas, was presenting them  and was creating our story. And in one of the day we was making video about our social entrepreneurial idea. One of the video you can find by link...

Youth Blended mobility

Latvia, Balvi 4.-11.october, 2021, Storytteling and Social entrepreneurship, Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania

Due to the limitations of the COVID19 situation, the planned mobility was split into two separate mobilities and this situation gave other young people the opportunity to learn about the storytelling methodology and to develop their own idea of social entrepreneurship. 

This mobility was special for several reasons:

- the youngest participant in the mobility, was 6 months old baby

- as you see in the picture, the activities took place in the premises of the support house "Brīvupe", which is the first social entrepreneur in Balvi county,

- it was opportunity to enjoy golden autumn in all its glory.

Third Transnational partner meeting

Sofia, Bulgaria 29.-30.january 2022

Our meeting program was:

- Evaluation second Blended mobility in Latvia,
- Discussing about second blended mobility participants feedback
- Sharing good practices in the use of ICT as tools of entrepreneurial education of the youth (NEETs),
- Planing program for third blended mobility about ICT,
- Planning the production of Toolkit on entrepreneurial education of youth NEETs through ICT,

- Mid-term evaluation of the project.

- ...

Youth Blended mobility

Italy, Tempio Pusania 3.-8.may, 2022, ICT and Social entrepreneurship, Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania

This time we met in Sardinia (Italy) to learn together how ICT tools can be used to promote social entrepreneurship. During the six days, we looked at topics such as:

  • potential social media and digital tools to use in social entrepreneurship,
  • insight into blogging and website creation,
  • getting to know different cultural models of social entrepreneurship,
  • marketing and cultures: how to adapt our approach,
  • structuring our social business ideas,
  • end other regarding ICT and social entrepreneruship.

Fourth Transnational partner meeting

Bucharest, Romania 28.-29.june 2022

Meeting program:

  • Evaluation of youth mobility in Italy
  • Acquaintance with participants' feedback on the mobility of Italian mobility,
  • We discussed the results of the implementation of the project dissemination plan,
  • We discussed the financial side of the project,
  • We planned future cooperation and project follow-up activities,
  • etc. topics related to project implementation.

The Toolboxes

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