Music is life


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, learning mobility of individuals                                                                      2020-2-TR01-KA105-095091

Eng version: here

About project:

The "Music is Life" project has been planned to gain competencies through the art of music for 18-30 years old participants from different cultures and backgrounds for the competence of "cultural awareness and expression skills" from 8 core competence areas that the European Parliament and Council recommended in 2005 within the scope of Lifelong Learning. It is a youth exchange project that will take place between 12 April and 17 April 2021 in Osmaniye. Our project is an international partnership that will last for 6 days and will bring together 30 young people from the surrounding area. Organization whos takes a part in the project Wise Academy (Sweden), Raibais kaķis (Latvia), Asociatia Centrul de Training, Consultanta si Mediere Onesti (Romania), Cesta rozvoje, z.s. (Czechia) un Tudatos Tervezésért (Hungary).

The aim of the project:

In our project, participants from different countries will study music together. They will have an idea of ​​the past, present and future of this art. By gaining a sense of responsibility for carrying this art to the future, it will be ensured that it is in new project works. They will cooperate with those working on music art. Attempts will be made to move this art into the future. 

Project activities:

Communicating in a Foreign Language: Participants are involved in activities such as ice breaker and educational games, music workshops, natural method, direct method, sound language, total physical reaction, communicative language learning, community language learning methods, which are common and non-formal education methods.

Establishing Interpersonal and Intercultural Relations: Participants will establish ice-breaker and educational games, music workshops and stereotype creation, and cross-participants and cultural relations, in this field of activity

Developing Social and Civil Competencies: Participants will develop civil awareness with ice breaker and educational games, which are common and common training methods in this field of activity.

Expressing Their with Artistic Tools: Participants will brainstorm about the place of music language uniting societies in addition to ice crusher and educational games, which are common and wrapped educational methods in this field of activity.

Developing a Critical Thinking, Creative and Impressive Perspective: Participants will gain the ability to develop critical thinking, creative and impressive perspective with music workshops besides ice-breaker and educational games by using non-formal and wrapping training methods.

Utilizing Inborn Capacity: Participants will gain the ability to use their innate capacity with music workshops besides ice-breaker and educational games by making use of non-formal and wrapped training methods in this field of activity. Participants will demonstrate a concrete product in which they demonstrate their skills in their work with mixed groups.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

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