Move your sound


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, learning mobility of individuals                                                                      2019-3-RO01-KA105-077848

Eng version: here

About project:

The TC "Move your sound" is a follow-up of the E+ Mobility of youth workers "Art of Changing", awarded by the Romanian NA to the applicant. The proposal is drafted at the initiative of two youth workers who identified common needs in their local communities in RO and IT. The TC involves 23 youth workers who are meeting in the area of Hârja, Bacău - Romania, between 20-30.09.2020. The TC "Move your sound" is designed by youth workers, for youth workers who are willing to gain knowledge and skills in creating a connection between mind and body as a tool for spreading values of inclusion, diversity, non discrimination, gender balance, as well as specific skills like critical. Organization whos takes a part in the project Raibais kaķis (Latvia), WIDE HORIZONS PROJECTS (Spain), Socialinis efektas, asociacija (Liethuania), MINE VAGANTI NGO (Italy), AVENTURA MARAO CLUBE (Portugal), NGO "Non-formal education for youth" (Ukraine),

The aim of the project:

The aim of the TC is to equip the youth workers with effective methods for reaching out marginalized and fewer opportunities youth in their communities to cultivate cohesion and inclusion among those groups through Non Formal Education methods and tools.

Project activities:

Exploring and learning how to use NFE methods of movement and sound to promote dimensions of cohesion, solidarity, teamwork and inclusion by assessing how those methods impact the emotional maturity and awareness.

Developing the abilities of youth workers to use sound and movement techniques through the experiential learning of how those techniques increase the level of emphatic non-verbal communication skills.

Enhancing the competencies of using the sound and movement methods, tools and techniques to support the target groups of youth to develop their personality, self awareness, physical, emotional and mental wellness by deploying those in local activities, workshops, youth exchanges;

Promoting the Erasmus+ program and the possibilities in the field of youth through developing project proposals initiated by the youth workers attending the TC.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

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