Inclusive youth work for ALL


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, mobility projects for youth workers 2022-3-LV02-KA153-YOU-000094927

Description of Training course program: here

About project:

Society in Europe in the last years is becoming more and more diverse with the migration wave and war in Ukraine. That means we need more and more to educate our youth regarding diversity and inclusion.

Our project goes in line with the before-mentioned strategy that is aiming to achieve:
- Fostering the recognition of the experience and competencies developed by the people working with people with fewer opportunities,
- Ensuring that the focus on inclusion and diversity is taken into account at all stages of the programmes' management and project life-cycle: before (promotion, outreach, support, assessment, etc.), during (participant selection, preparation, implementation, results, etc.) and after the project (evaluation, dissemination, and exploitation of project outcomes, follow-up, etc.).
The idea of the project is to deliver 6 days of training for youth workers, Youth leaders, non-formal education trainers, and representatives of Youth NGOs, targeting those who are working with youth. With this project, we want to make our training course participants more competent on Inclusion and Diversity topics, be more aware of it, and get to know about different non-formal education tools helping youth become more competent with Inclusion and Diversity topics and create any future corporation on Inclusion and Diversity topics.
The project's aim is to educate youth workers, Youth leaders, non-formal education trainers, and representatives of Youth NGOs about one of ERASMUS+ program priorities - Inclusion and Diversity, through 6 days long international non-formal education training.
The objective is to
- participants are competent in Inclusion and Diversity topics,
- exchange of good practices about Inclusion and Diversity,
- get to know and experience different tools which can be used in a work with youth about Inclusion and Diversity,
- the creation of non-formal education activities about Inclusion and Diversity,
- participants are becoming more competent for the creation of more Inclusion and Diverse projects,
- setting up plans for the future corporation,
- awareness about their own learning process,
- share project results during project implementation and after.

The training course will be organized from 13.06.2023. - 20.06.2023. in Balvi, Latvia (travel days included).

The project "Inclusive youth work for ALL" was financed with the support of European Commission's programm ERASMUS+. This publication reflects only the author's views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.

More information: here

Infopack: here

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