Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, learning mobility of individuals                                                           2020-3-IT03-KA105-020539

Eng version here

About project:

The "Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship" project focuses on youth employability and useful skills to find a job even with limited experience. Organization whos takes a part in the project, project coordinator RCA ASSOCIAZIONE RICETTIVA CULTURALE AMBIENTALE (Italy), and partnerorganization's Youth Empowerment Center (Greece), Raibais kaķis (Latvia), YOUTH SUPPORT CENTRE (Poland), YAYLABAGI BELEDIYESI (Turkey), Associação Sójovem das Saibreiras (Portugal). 

The aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to give participants a wide picture of all that it takes to approach the labour market in a competitive way. The project idea was born to meet the needs of youth coming from different part of the European area, that report difficulties in accessing the labour market without previous experience, lack of opportunities to get that experience and skills mismatch.

Project activities:

 The 30 participants come from Italy,Poland,Turkey, Romania ,Greece,Portugal activities take place in SAN NICOLA DELL'ALTO /ITALY and include self-assessment of competences, simulation of job interviews and field visits to social enterprises and start-ups.

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