Empower Youth Participation


ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, mobility projects for youth workers 2023-1-LV02-KA153-YOU-000122466

Handbook: here

About project:

As it is written in Youth Participation Strategy – "Across Europe, it is now necessary to consider how our democratic societies recognize and support a range of approaches to youth participation and engage a diverse range of young people in democratic life. At the same time, it is still a concern that many young people feel disconnected from our democratic structures and institutions, and there is an ongoing need to enable young people to participate in democratic institutions and political structures both directly and indirectly. 

Our project objectives: 

- Motivate to promote the principles of youth participation across all activities done by youth workers, 

- Competence support young people to develop and implement activities, youth projects with a quality youth participation dimension,

 - Increase youth workers' awareness of the impact of youth participatory activities on youth participation in democratic life,

 - Dedicate attention to the participation in the democratic life of young people with fewer opportunities, 

- Get acquainted and develop non-formal education tools to increase the quality of youth participation in activities for youth.

The project activity consists of 7 days training course (16.-22.08.2023). Training course program consist of different non-formal education methods - introduction, getting to know each other, team building, ERASMUS+ program Principles of non Formal education, own participation activity, being civically engaged - competent youth worker/trainer, youth Participation Round Talk, municipality's simulation, forms of youth participation, theories of youth participation, Initiative simulation, preparation of participation activity etc. 

Youth workers involved in our project will be age (18+) from our partner youth organization from program countries of Europe, 3 participants per country (Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Hungary, Spain and Greece).

"Funded/Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, European Commission or [name of the granting authority (Agency for International Programs for Youth)]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them."

More information: here

Infopack: here

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