
Erasmus+: BELIKEYOU storytelling on entrepreneur role models for young Europeans.                      2020-1-IT02-KA201-079565

Eng version: here                                                                                                                                                Project FB page: here                                                                                                                                        Project home page: here                                                                                         

About project:

BELIKEYOU Storytelling On Entrepreneur Role Models for Young Europeans is an Erasmus + project and it will involve in 2 years more than 180 high school students in 6 European countries. The main question the project wants to reply is how can we promote entrepreneurship as part of young Europeans' culture and most important thing when they think of, see and meet an entrepreneur to start thinking that they want to be like her or him. We would like more young people to say: yes, I want to be like you! Organization whos takes a part in the project COLEGIUL ECONOMIC ION GHICA (Romania), 4 EPAL KAVALAS (Greece), Fundacja Na Rzecz Integracji Srodowiska Akademickiego ,,Jeden Uniwersytet" (Poland), Raibais kaķis (Latvia), ASOCIACION CULTURAL INTEGRA (Spain), and coordinator organisation ARTES - Associazione Toscana Ricerca e Studio (Italy)

The aim of the project:

The BELIKEYOU project aims to develop an innovative digital storytelling program based on entrepreneurial role model methodology for boosting the culture of youth entrepreneurship in Europe.It is necessary to build up a positive communication about the opportunity of being entrepreneurs in Europe through sharing stories of successful entrepreneurs, in different countries and from our heritage and from present European startups ecosystems. This should be done starting from the use of digital and new technologies and appreciated ways of communication by the young people.  

Project activities:

2 Intellectual outputs:
- Research on youngsters entrepreneurship role modeling
- Toolkit on entrepreneurial storytelling
2 Learning, Teaching, Training Activities:
- International Training for Staff on Entrepreneurial Storytelling
- International Training for Students on Entrepreneurial Storytelling
4 Transnational partner meetings
5 Multiplier events.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Transnational partner meeting

Poland, Poznan, 2.-3.09.2021

This was the first transnational partner meeting that did not take place online. During the meeting, we discussed the current and future activities of the project. So what have we really done so far and what will be the future activities?

So far, we have conducted a study in all countries involved in the project, and the study focused on the role model of students and an in-depth understanding of whether an entrepreneur can also become a role model. The final version of the research results is still being developed, you have to wait a little to see results of the reserch.

Regarding the next steps, we discussed the upcoming mobility in Valencia, Spain, where participants will be introduced to the program created during the project, during the implementation of the program, students will have the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs through animation and video production.



Valencia, Spain, 27.09.-01.10.2021

Based on the research carried out during the project, a training program was developed for students, in which students will create an animation or video about a local entrepreneur using a storytelling methodology.

During this training, the members of the association have the opportunity to get acquainted with this program and gain the necessary competencies to be able to implement the program in schools. During the training program, participants were introduced to different storytelling methods, how to make scripts and interview, and eventually participants had to create a video or animation to developing their video and animation skills.

Third Transnational Project Partner Meeting

Riga, Latvia 24.-25.03.2022

The meetings has been fundamental to pushing the development of the IO2 Toolkit on Entrepreneurial Storytelling, checking the ongoing testing in European schools, organizing the C2/C3 International Training for Students on Entrepreneurial Storytelling and planning the Multiplier Events. 

The partnership presented the videos produced during the entrepreneurial storytelling labs in the experimentation of IO2 Toolkit in European schools. 

IO2 Toolkit in European schools 

We tested format for the organization of an Entrepreneurial Storytelling Lab in Balvu vocational and general secondary school.

Created videos by students you can find in the project Youtube Chanel

If you also want to organize an Entrepreneurial Storytelling Lab in your school materials in a different language you can find it HERE.


Kavala, Greece 24.-26.06.2022

In June, all partners and students participating in the project had the opportunity to meet at an international training.
We discussed the topics of entrepreneurship and presented the prepared materials. 

We spent our days getting to know Greece from the entrepreneurial side. We had the opportunity to record a few interviews which we then worked on during classes at the school. We split into small teams where everyone was responsible for part of the work. During the last activity, there was also time to summarize, evaluate and hand over certificates of participation.  

Multiplayer event - Entrepreneurship as youth culture

Balvi, Latvia 28.05.2022

Multiplayer event "Entrepreneurship as Youth culture" was held in Balvu museum premises, participated 30 participants (6 trainers, 3 local authorities, 1 teacher, and 20 high school students).

What insights do you have after the event answers were: there is such kind of opportunity; to become an entrepreneur is not easy, there are many challenges, but it is very powerful to hear entrepreneurial stories, also think about yourself in the future as an entrepreneur; there are also in Europe entrepreneurs who are leaders; there is need for sharing stories.

Last Transnational Project Partner Meeting

Florence, Italy 29.- 30.08.2022

This was our last project meeting in Florence. During meeting, we went through the following topics - 

- Final Report preparation - final management issues and budget control,

- Final Evaluation Report - final check of IO1 and IO2 and dissemination website

- Final discussion about the cooperation, the challenges faced and the opportunities for future improvement 

Discussion and approval of project Sustainability Plan

- Discussion of the lesson learned and discussion over future exploitation possibilities. 

All project results you can find in project web page - here

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